Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Phone mast survey finally launched

see http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=um6t5u9cb579kn5203130

for the mobilephone mast survey - please try and complete it but most of all send me feedback

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Final Pay Offer

20th June 2006

To: Worplace Reps & Branches to distribute to Members

Dear Colleagues

Re 2006-2009 Pay Offer

Following extensive negotiations at the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) an offer on pay covering the period August 2006 to August 2008 has been made by the employers’ side, University Colleges Employers Association, to Amicus and all other unions in Higher Education.

The main provisions are contained in a general note from the employer’s side, UCEA, attached with this Circular.

The highlights are

August 2006 greater of 3% or £515
February 2007 1%
August 2007 3%
May 2008 greater of 3% or £420
October 2008 greater of 2½% or RPI (as at September 2008).

The full details of how this will affect salary scales for those on the national pay spine are also attached.

The offer represents an increase for most staff of 13.1% over the three year period 2006/2008. For those on low pay (below point 16 on the spine) who elect to take lump sums in August 2006 (£515) and May 2008 (£420) instead of the percentage offers the value of the proposed uplift is worth between 13.1% and 15.5% depending which point on the spine members are on.

There are some additional points worth noting.

There is inflation protection built into the deal for the third year so if inflation moved beyond the uplift for 2008 of 2.5% then the RPI figure at September 2008 would be paid and not the lower figure of 2.5%.

If income to the University sector is in excess of current predicted calculations then the negotiations for 2008 could be reopened. However if a University has a serious financial difficulty (and that means a really serious financial difficulty) it can defer payments for up to 11 months.

There are statements of intent for local negotiations for reduced working time by local negotiation and local agreement towards a 35 hour week by 2009. These discussions will depend on what your local negotiators are able to achieve and may also need to include some self financing aspects.

There is confirmation that equality reviews and monitoring of the whole of the job evaluation process should be undertaken to ensure different staff groups benefit from similar terms and conditions at similar grade levels.

There is also a part of the deal that mentions recovery of pay lost during the academic industrial dispute. This does not cover Amicus members who were not involved in industrial action and so should not have had any deductions from pay. Your negotiators have managed to achieve this offer without the need to take industrial action.

All trade unions have been offered the same deal. All trade unions in the sector are now recommending that all union members accept the deal.

The Amicus Higher Education National Industry Committee (HENIC) has also met and is also recommending that you accept the deal as being the best that can be achieved by negotiation.

The offer is now open for your consideration.

Workplace group meetings are being organised to consider the offer as well as meetings in some regions. All sections of the union are encouraged to meet. If your University union group wishes it can issue consultation or ballot papers for everyone in each University to give their view.

All workplace groups are asked to advise their local HENIC delegate and full time Regional Officer the outcome of local deliberations by no later than 7th July 2006.

If you have a query on the offer please consult your local workplace union representative, HENIC delegate or Regional Officer for initial advice.

Yours sincerely

Mike Robinson
National Officer
Higher Education