Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Amicus in Higher Education Issue 13

Amicus in Higher Education
Issue 13 – February 2006

Pay 2006
My Amicus – Important Message
Union Learning Representative (ULR) Training & Events
New TUPE 2006 Regulations Announced
Information for Negotiators – The Economy
Workers' Memorial Day, Friday 28th April
Amicus Survey on Job Evaluation

Pay 2006

Currently Amicus is awaiting confirmation about the recent ballots by both AUT and NATFHE for industrial action in support of their pay claim covering academic staff for 2006. Press reports indicate that both unions have secured majorities for industrial action but nothing officially or unofficially has been received from either union.

Amicus is currently not in dispute and we are awaiting a meeting with UCEA following the negotiation meeting at JNCHES in January.

At that meeting UCEA indicated it would like to meet with PTAAS support staff unions in late February or early March to progress the 2006 pay claim. To date no further meetings have been arranged.

A circular has gone out to all higher education representatives of Amicus advising them that the union is awaiting full legal advice on the AUT/NATFHE dispute but until that advice has been received our members should continue to work normally.

A further circular will be issued as soon as clarification has been obtained or if a meeting with UCEA through JNCHES takes place.

If members are in any doubt as to how to proceed locally, they should contact their local Amicus Regional Officer for advice.

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My Amicus – Important Message

It is vitally important that all members who are currently receiving this e bulletin sign up to My Amicus. This is the section on the main Amicus web site that is specifically for members, with lots of information that can only be accessed via this site. The process is very simple you just need to register using your email address and membership number, you will then be given a personal password to use when you next log in. You can then tailor what you would like to see on the Amicus web site and this will be produced in relation to your preferences via a personalised home page.

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Union Learning Representative (ULR)
Training & Events

The new training and events programme up to April 2006 for Union Learning Representatives has been announced, there are a number of courses including Lifelong Learning stage 1 and stage 2, and also TUC Learning Reps Courses. For further information about the courses and how to book a place please contact Eileen Francis. Amicus Learning Organiser for London on 020-7780-4095 or email Eileen.francis@amicustheunion.org

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New TUPE 2006 Regulations Announced

The new TUPE regulations along with the Government's guidance on them and response to the consultation have been published by the DTI. The new regulations come into force for transfers on or after 6 April 2006 . There are 5 key areas of change;

  • the new provisions governing changes of service provision (i.e. outsourcing and insourcing) and which employees transfer as a part of that process
  • the creation of a stand alone constructive unfair dismissal claim where there are substantial adverse changes in working conditions
  • freedom to negotiate changes to terms and conditions of employment where the seller is in administration and the exclusion from transfer of liabilities within the insolvency guarantee
  • the duty to notify specified “employee liability information” to the transferee 14 days before the transfer on pain of a legal claim by the transferee for compensation of £500 per employee
  • joint and several liability between transferor and transferee for failure to inform and consult

For further information please go to www.dti.gov.uk

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Information for Negotiators –
The Economy

A new section of the Amicus web site is now up and running, the section can be accessed via the Information for Negotiators section and is called The Economy. This site will assist reps, officers of the union and members in their negotiations. The site has up to date information regarding economic indicators and also includes the Amicus view of present economic policy and how it affects our members, the site can be accessed at www.amicustheunion.org/pdf/economicindicators02-2006.pdf

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Workers' Memorial Day, Friday 28th April

Every year on 28 th April we remember those who have been killed by their work. This year's theme is Prevention and Accountability . Workplace deaths are avoidable and poor health and safety is the cause. Amicus has been campaigning for a corporate manslaughter law, to make employers accountable for the health and safety of their employees. The Government has finally published a draft Bill which is being consulted on now. More details of this campaign can be found at www.amicustheunion.org/corporatekilling/

The Amicus Education Department has some Workers' Memorial Day ribbons, posters, car stickers and lapel stickers, which members and reps can order from Roger Bates, 020 8315 8299, roger.bates@amicustheunion.org . If branches are having large events they can get larger supplies direct from Greater Manchester Hazards Centre, mail@gmhazards.org.uk , Tel 0161 636 7557, Fax 0161 636 7556, www.gmhazards.org.uk/events.htm .

Details of Workers' Memorial Day resources and events around the UK can be found at www.amicustheunion.org/wmd/ . If you are involved in organising an event or hear about one that is not listed, please email the details to chris.o'leary@amicustheunion.org .

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Amicus Survey on Job Evaluation

Amicus is again surveying reps in the Higher Education sector regarding the job evaluation process and the survey forms will be sent out shortly. The survey is being carried out in conjunction with Labour Research, who will be sending the survey out, collating the returns and also producing the statistical analysis. The survey report itself will be written and produced by Amicus. To ensure we get a true picture of what is happening regarding the job evaluation process at this time, it is imperative that all senior reps at each institution provide a response for the members who work for that institution, we do not need a returned survey from every rep, and just one returned response from each institution. It is vital that responses are returned promptly to Labour Research as we are following a strict time schedule. Amicus appreciates the assistance we receive from reps concerning these surveys and we look forward to seeing the results of the survey and writing the report, which we hope to launch at the Regional Sector Conference in June 2006.

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This bulletin has been produced by Janet Golds, Research Officer for the Higher Education Sector. If you have any news items you would like included in the
e bulletin, please contact Janet at janet.golds@amicustheunionorg

Guidelines from Amicus regarding Natfhe Dispute

Higher Education

Our Ref: MJR/VT/HE/04/06

To: All Workplace Reps and Branches
Full time Officers responsible for HE for information
Sue Sharp NEC for information
Dave Trafford NEC for information
Doug Collins AGS for information

Dear Colleagues


This is a brief communication with regard to the recent press reports about the latest on AUT and NATFHE 2006 pay claims.

There are press reports that both unions have had ballot results for some form of industrial action and some reports even mention a possible strike on the 7th March. So far Amicus has had no communication from AUT or NATFHE on any result from their industrial action ballots or confirmation of their position on any possible strike.

Amicus members have not been balloted for strike or any other form of industrial action in connection 2006 pay. The union is not calling on its members to take any action.

I am currently seeking full legal advice on what Amicus position will be in the event that AUT or NATFHE decide take strike or industrial action and hopefully this advice will be issued to representatives before the 7th March.

In the meantime Amicus representatives are not being asked by the union to advise Amicus members to take any action and our members should be advised to continue to work normally.

As I have previously reported by circular the PTASS unions (Amicus, Unison, T&G and GMB) have had one round of discussions at JNCHES on the 13th January about our expectations for 2006 pay. The employers association, UCEA, were seeking to hold further talks with PTAAS as well as the academic sub group ASSC (AUT, NATFHE and EIS). UCEA had made it clear at the January meeting they wished to meet again in late February, early March but were warning ASSC unions they may not meet under the threat of industrial action ballots.

Currently there are no dates for any JNCHES meetings arranged.

Natfhe Strike - Tuesday 7th March

I reproduce the relevant section from the latest bulletin I have received:

§ Students should be encouraged to join the picket lines but we are not trying to stop them accessing libraries/computer facilities etc. and should not be prevented from using University facilities. Students should be asked NOT to attend any teaching being run by ‘scab’ lecturers. Students should be given a leaflet (which will be sent to branches in advance) setting out the causes of the dispute. Students should also be asked to sign a petition in support of the pay claim.
§ Members of other trade unions should be asked to show their support by standing alongside NATFHE members during the lunch – break or during other free periods. Members of UNISON, AMICUS, TGWU, GMB and other unions are not taking industrial action. Therefore they should not be prevented from going to work but instead should be asked to show their support by standing alongside academic colleagues during their lunch break or free time. They should also be asked to sign the petition calling for higher rates of pay for all HE staff.

This makes clear that we are not seeking to prevent your members going to work.

We will, of course, be grateful for any support that the other campus unions can provide. As I understand it we are planning pickets at Docklands, Barking and Duncan. The position at University House is not yet clear.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Staff Development Review Survey Results

Many thanks to the people that took the time to take part in this - from the results of the survey it is clear from the results contributions that the scheme is not as widely implemented as far as has been claimed. The next stage will be to take the survey to management in order to establish that what we have captured is reflected across the University.

In the meantime should you be asked to complete a staff development review then we would recommend that you do so in line with the University Policy on Staff Development. The members of the group exec are available if you require assistance with this process.

AUT /Natfhe Dispute

This is a copy of a letter from Mike Robinson more information will follow


This is a brief communication with regard to the recent press reports about the latest on AUT and NATFHE 2006 pay claims.

There are press reports that both unions have had ballot results for some form of industrial action and some reports even mention a possible strike on the 7th March. So far Amicus has had no communication from AUT or NATFHE on any result from their industrial action ballots or confirmation of their position on any possible strike.

Amicus members have not been balloted for strike or any other form of industrial action in connection 2006 pay. The union is not calling on its members to take any action.

I am currently seeking full legal advice on what Amicus position will be in the event that AUT or NATFHE decide take strike or industrial action and hopefully this advice will be issued to representatives before the 7th March.

In the meantime Amicus representatives are not being asked by the union to advise Amicus members to take any action and our members should be advised to continue to work normally.

As I have previously reported by circular the PTASS unions (Amicus, Unison, T&G and GMB) have had one round of discussions at JNCHES on the 13th January about our expectations for 2006 pay. The employers association, UCEA, were seeking to hold further talks with PTAAS as well as the academic sub group ASSC (AUT, NATFHE and EIS). UCEA had made it clear at the January meeting they wished to meet again in late February, early March but were warning ASSC unions they may not meet under the threat of industrial action ballots.

Currently there are no dates for any JNCHES meetings arranged.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Amicus Ballot of Pension Scheme Members

Amicus is also balloting pension scheme members. Is the scheme in operation at UEL and if so can you let me know so I can alert Legal Department asap? Also I need the name of the head of HR so the 'notice' can go out. Amicus is, of course, fully supporting the ballot and we are hopeful that a good turn out will persuade the Government to return to the negotiating table with better proposals for our members who are Scheme members.

Kind regards

Carolyn Simpson

Regional Officer
London Region
Amicus the union
33-35 Moreland Street

Tel: 020 7780 4109
Fax: 020 7780 4040

visit our website at www.amicustheunion.org or join on line by visiting http://www.amicustheunion.org/Join-On-Line-Here

Monday, February 13, 2006

Amicus Branch Meeting


East London 0338 Branch

Notice of Branch Meeting

Date: Wednesday 15th February 2006

Time: 6.30pm PROMPT

(Please note we now need to start on time, as we may need to be out by 8.00pm)

Venue: University of East London

Student Union Bar (If available) if not check at Reception.

Romford Road

Stratford E15 4LZ

Bar is just past the main building entrance in Romford Road but it is best to use the main entrance. Car parking will be available in the car park at the rear of the University.

Refreshments will be provided.


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of January 2006 Meeting.

3. Matters Arising.

4. Correspondence.

5. Membership.

6. Report on Regional Policy Conference on 21st January & Regional Education Sector Conference 2nd February.

7. Group Reports.

8. Other Reports.

9. Any Other Business.

If you have not received a copy of the Minutes of the Last Meeting copies will available at this meeting.

I do hope to see you or a member of your group present for this branch meeting.

The Branch likes to encourage members new and old to participate in its activities and members can be assured of a warm welcome. Meetings are a good opportunity for members to update us on what is happening in their workplace, to participate in the debate on current issues and have a drink with friends. The venue is licensed.

Future 2006 Meeting Dates

Mar. 15th, April 19th, May 17th, June 21st, July 19th, Aug. No Meeting, Sept. 20th (General Meeting), Oct. 18th, Nov.15th, Dec.20th

(All are Wednesdays)

Branch Secretary: D. Bingham, The Tilings, 6b, Carlton Road, Erith, Kent.

Tel: 01322 336489

Workplace Reps

Just to let you know that at our meeting last week we elected the following as amicus workplace reps

Nick Seeley
Duncan Kennedy
Kevin Head (Health & Safety)
Kevin Clough
Julia Freeman
Pat Gray
Michele Farmer
Jon Delmage
Tony Britton

At long last we've got more women members on the team and I look forward to introducing them at some stage - Naturally the newer members will be requiring training but I'm sure the University will be accommodating

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Staff Development Review Survey

This survey will be closing on Friday 17th - please take part if you haven't already

Please take the time to fill in the following surveyabout our appraisal scheme - obviously the more people that fill it in the better our arguments to improve the scheme will be

Click here to take our Online Survey

Monday, February 06, 2006

Over five million people at work in the UK regularly do unpaid overtime, giving their employers £25billion of free work every year. If you're one of them, why not take some time to reflect on how well (or badly) you're balancing your life?

24th February 2006 is the day when the average person who does unpaid overtime finishes the unpaid days they do every year, and starts earning for themselves. We think that's a day worth celebrating.

Take a proper lunchbreak, not just a sandwich at your desk, and leave on time, to enjoy your own time on Friday evening. Why not get together with friends or colleagues, and go for a meal, a pint, or take in a show? You deserve it! This is one day in the year for your boss to appreciate your efforts, and for you to appreciate yourself.

For more information go to:

Eileen Francis
Learning Organiser
Amicus London Region
33 - 37 Moreland Street