Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Guidelines from Amicus regarding Natfhe Dispute

Higher Education

Our Ref: MJR/VT/HE/04/06

To: All Workplace Reps and Branches
Full time Officers responsible for HE for information
Sue Sharp NEC for information
Dave Trafford NEC for information
Doug Collins AGS for information

Dear Colleagues


This is a brief communication with regard to the recent press reports about the latest on AUT and NATFHE 2006 pay claims.

There are press reports that both unions have had ballot results for some form of industrial action and some reports even mention a possible strike on the 7th March. So far Amicus has had no communication from AUT or NATFHE on any result from their industrial action ballots or confirmation of their position on any possible strike.

Amicus members have not been balloted for strike or any other form of industrial action in connection 2006 pay. The union is not calling on its members to take any action.

I am currently seeking full legal advice on what Amicus position will be in the event that AUT or NATFHE decide take strike or industrial action and hopefully this advice will be issued to representatives before the 7th March.

In the meantime Amicus representatives are not being asked by the union to advise Amicus members to take any action and our members should be advised to continue to work normally.

As I have previously reported by circular the PTASS unions (Amicus, Unison, T&G and GMB) have had one round of discussions at JNCHES on the 13th January about our expectations for 2006 pay. The employers association, UCEA, were seeking to hold further talks with PTAAS as well as the academic sub group ASSC (AUT, NATFHE and EIS). UCEA had made it clear at the January meeting they wished to meet again in late February, early March but were warning ASSC unions they may not meet under the threat of industrial action ballots.

Currently there are no dates for any JNCHES meetings arranged.

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