Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Amicus Ballot of Pension Scheme Members

Amicus is also balloting pension scheme members. Is the scheme in operation at UEL and if so can you let me know so I can alert Legal Department asap? Also I need the name of the head of HR so the 'notice' can go out. Amicus is, of course, fully supporting the ballot and we are hopeful that a good turn out will persuade the Government to return to the negotiating table with better proposals for our members who are Scheme members.

Kind regards

Carolyn Simpson

Regional Officer
London Region
Amicus the union
33-35 Moreland Street

Tel: 020 7780 4109
Fax: 020 7780 4040

visit our website at www.amicustheunion.org or join on line by visiting http://www.amicustheunion.org/Join-On-Line-Here

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