Friday, October 24, 2008
Human Resourcium
Since it has no electrons, HumanResourium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically, as it impedes every action with which it comes in contact. According to the discoverers, one reaction that normally requires less than one second was extended to four days by the presence of a minute amount of HumanResourium.
HumanResourium has a half-life of approximately three years, at which time it does not actually decay but instead undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice-neutrons and assistant vice-neutrons exchange places. Some studies suggest that its atomic mass actually increases in each reorganization.
Research at other laboratories indicates that HumanResourium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points, such as government agencies, large corporations, and universities, and can usually be found in the newest, best appointed, and best maintained buildings.
Scientists point out that HumanResourium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how HumanResourium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Branch sends Donation to Sussex Members
The donation of £200 was to be the start of a concerted fundraising that would see us commit itself to supporting the ongoing strike of our colleagues at this University.
The branch also agreed to send a delegation to the picket line in the near future - anyone interested please contact Tony Britton.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
RPI Hits 5%
Not sure whether the news will reach our payroll in time for this months pay date but it will be backdated from October 1st - we will be following this up with HR.
You will see if you look at the details in the UCEA statement that there is provision for Universities suffering financial hardship to defer payment - I would imagine that as we are going through IIP accreditation that might influence their decision not to !
That may also be dependent upon whether the University had it’s money in an Icelandic Bank though.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
New JNCHES - Same old UCU
The programme included signing off the New JNCHES agreement that HENIC had already approved.
Also discussed was the expectation for HEI's to pay the full RPI increase due in October (the current RPI is 4.8% but could move either way next month). Initial plans and timetable for the 2009 negotiations were also agreed.
New JNCHES agreed to set up a Pension Forum to work constructively on future changes in the different schemes LGPS, USS and local self administered trusts (SAT's).
New JNCHES also agreed to look at new agenda items for the existing Equality Forum to work on.
Planning for the next new JNCHES meeting in December also took place including asking HE Minister Bill Rammell MP to address the next meeting on HE items.
A joint press release was agreed and is attached with this Circular. Although UCU attended as observers they did not demur throughout the meeting. It was disappointing therefore to see their press statement issued immediately after the meeting critical of New JNCHES and other trade unions who attended. The general view is this was sour grapes and a dummy spitting episode.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Health & Safey Links
Asbestos condition 'is a good thing' outrage
The trade union Unite has accused the insurance industry of fighting a 'virulent' campaign against recognition of the asbestos-related condition pleural plaques.
Overwork and stress are top work concerns
Overwork and stress are the top problems facing workers, according to new TUC research.
Promoting Health at Work
Guidance for Safety Representatives.
Display Screen Equipment - online HSE case studies
Find out how organisations tackled computer user problems.
Slips & Trips eLearning Package - Freely available autumn 2008
STEP is an eLearning package developed by the HSE, providing slips and trips guidance through interactive learning. It will be free to access this autumn - register now.
HSE statement of forthcoming regulations 2008-2009
This HSE statement details changes to occupational health and safety law and practice that are due to commence over the next twelve months.
Ladder exchange - starts 1 September 2008
HSE initiative 'Ladder Exchange 2008' aims to highlight the risks associated with using a dodgy ladder and provide employers with the opportunity to exchange their substandard ladder for a new one at a discounted price.
Workplace bullying conference, Midlands 15-16 November
The UK National Work Stress Network is holding a conference on eradicating workplace bullying, including cyberbullying, on Saturday 15 November and Sunday 16 November 2008. The event will take place at the Hillscourt Conference Centre, near Birmingham.
Unite dismay as government report advocates less than three minutes a day for health and safety
A government report says small firms spend under three and a half minutes a day on health and safety admin but thinks, to the dismay of Unite, that this should be cut further to reduce costs.
Workplace wellbeing programmes 'proving effective'
Initiatives designed to improve the health and wellbeing of employees can have a positive impact, according to the results of a new government - funded pilot scheme.
The Unite health and safety pages at are updated regularly, and suggestions for additional information to add, or changes in the layout, are always appreciated. This is your website so please feel free to send an email if there is something you think is missing, or could be done better.
Clare Baker
Health and Safety Adviser
Unite the union
telephone 0208 462 7755
mobile 07958 624511
Sign up to @ctivist, Unite’s e-mail news bulletin. Distributed to 120,000 Unite members every month, the on-line @ctivist aims to set new standards in trade union membership communications in terms of immediacy, content and ‘look and feel’. If you do not have internet access please reply with your email address to sign up. If the link does not work you can reply to this email instead with Subscribe @ctivist in the subject line.
Subscribe to Hazards magazine, supported by Unite as a key source of information for union safety reps.
Risks is the TUC's weekly online bulletin for safety reps and others, read each week by over 13,000 subscribers and 1,500 on the TUC website. To receive this bulletin every week, click here.
Friday, September 05, 2008
General meeting
Note that as under the New Amicus Rules all Branches are now required to hold their General Meetings every two years in September for the election of branch officers and associated business. This will be our third General Meeting under this arrangement and we will elect our branch officers for the next two years.
Date: Wednesday 17th September 2008
Time: 6.30pm PROMPT (We hope to keep this meeting short)
To be followed by the Branch Dinner at 7.30pm.
(See separate invitation for venue)
Meeting Venue: University of East London
Romford Road
Stratford E15 4LZ
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of July Branch Meeting.
3. Matters Arising.
4. Correspondence.
5. Chairman’s Address
6. Secretary’s Report.
7. Treasurer’s Report.
8. Election of Branch Officers for next two years.
9. Affiliations for 2008/9 (If time).
10. Other Urgent Reports.
11. Any Other Urgent Business.
I do hope to see you or a member of your group present for this, Branch General Meeting. Please see the Invitation for details of the meal and note the form for Election of Branch Officers.
Branch Secretary: D. Bingham, The Tilings, 6b, Carlton Road, Erith, Kent. Tel: 01322 336489
Election of Branch Officers till September 2010
As noted on the agenda an election takes place at this meeting for the Branch Officers. All posts are open and nominations are invited either from the floor of the meeting or in advance to the present Branch Secretary. Please ascertain that the person you wish to nominate is willing to stand. This will be the third election of Branch Officers under the new rules and officers will again hold the posts for two years.
The present posts and holders are listed below.
Post Current Holder Elected
Chair N. Seeley .......
Secretary D. Bingham .......
Treasurer T. Britton .......
Assistant Secretary J. Watts .......
Vice Chair E. Kiff .......
Education Officer P. Marriott .......
Health & Safety Officer K. Head .......
Women’s Officer P. Marriott .......
Auditors (2) J. Freeman .......
R. Stoker .......
Trustees (2) J. Dowding .......
F. Dowling .......
D. Bingham, East London 0338 Branch Secretary, The Tilings, 6b, Carlton Road, Erith, Kent. Tel: 01322 336489.
Branch Invitation
UNITE East London Branch
The Branch requests the pleasure of your company at the
September General Meeting & Dinner.
Wednesday 17th September 2008
6.30pm Meeting At U.E.L.
(see Agenda)
7.30pm Branch Dinner
The venue for this will be the excellent Spice Inn Indian Restaurant, where we have had very good meals and service. The address is:
22-28 Romford Road (Tel.020 8519 1399)
This is a short walk from the U.E.L. Meeting Venue
The meal will follow the short Branch Meeting, which will start at
6.30pm prompt at U.E.L. Please try to be on time.
The meal and drinks are to be subsidised by the Branch.
Because the meal is to be subsidised and we need to confirm the number of bookings with the restaurant so will you please advise Doug at the addresses below if you wish to attend, by at the very latest: Monday 15th September 2008, but if possible before.
We look forward to your company.
Mr. D. Bingham, East London 0338 Branch Secretary, The Tilings, 6b, Carlton Road,
Erith, Kent. Tel: 01322 336489 E-MAIL:
Or Tony Britton, E-Mail:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Links to Heated
heated web site
As a first step I'll ask management about joining as an organisation
You may think, that the role champions as outlined are not sufficient - These are apparently only a "first go" at producing them and I guess we could well be looking at identifying other roles that don't appear on that list for example - Psychology technician or IT technician.
Heated - Role Profiles
You may recall I wrote to you recently about role profiles being designed by HEaTED, the new training body for technical staff. HEaTED held a major conference on the 10th June and Unite had around 20% of the 200 delegates attending as members.
HEaTEd are looking for technical staff who are prepared to act as "Role Champions" to develop good practice guides for new or developing staff.
Unite would like those "Role Champions" to be Unite members who are able to pass on their advice and support in line with trade union support.
The full list of the roles that the "Role Champions" are being sought for are as follows.
Technical Assistant,
Technician Audio Visual
Technician Stores
Technician Animal Welfare
Technician Support Central Services
Teaching Support -Arts
Teaching Support -Workshop
Teaching Support-Laboratory
Teaching Support -General
Research Support
Research Support- Laboratory or Workshop
Technical Specialist
Technical Supervision
Technical Management
If you are willing to assist in identifying the good practice elements for one or more of the roles then I would like to hear from you. If you think you can help but are not sure and want more details please let my office know as well.
Yours sincerely
Mike Robinson
National Officer
Higher Education
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pensions Update
On 1st April this year the new Local Government Pension Scheme will take effect with a new set of benefits for members. Despite the impending start, there are still some areas that are not in an implementable state so this overview outlines the areas where there is clarity. All your pension earned up to 1st April will be paid in line with the old 1997 scheme rules (1/80 pension plus 3/80 lump sum). Benefits earned in the new scheme will then be added to this to form your total LGPS pension on retirement.
Contribution Bandings
Employee contributions will be set according to bands of full time equivalent pay. The contribution rates for scheme members will vary between 5.5% and 7.5%.
Band Pay Range Cont Rate
1 £0-£12000 5.5%
2 £12001-£14000 5.8%
3 £14001-£18000 5.9%
4 £18001-£30000 6.5%
5 £30001-£40000 6.8%
6 £40001-£75000 7.2%
7 £75000 + 7.5%
Pension Calculation
For all service from 1st April 2008, your pension at Normal Retirement Age will be based on this formula:
Length of service × Final Pensionable Pay ÷ 60 = Annual Pension
Lump Sum
There is no automatic lump sum but you can trade up to around 25% of your pension for a lump sum at a rate of £12 cash for every £1 annual pension given up.
Retirement Age
The Normal Retirement Age of the scheme is 65, however, you can retire before or after that age. Usually your pension would be reduced for early payment (see below) or increased for late payment.
Final Pensionable Pay
Normally final pensionable pay will be your pensionable salary in your last year of service. If your pensionable salary was higher in either of the two years before that then the highest salary will be used. If you have reduced your hours or grade then the figure may be the highest consecutive three year average pensionable salary in the ten years before retirement.
Flexible Retirement
If you reduce your hours or grade in the run up to retirement and your employer agrees, you can take flexible retirement. This allows you to take some or all of your pension and continue working until you wish to retire fully when you’d take the remainder of your benefits.
Early Retirement – Voluntary
Despite the removal of the Rule of 85 you can still choose to retire before 65. You need your employer’s consent if retiring before 60 but not if you are over that age. Your pension will be reduced on the grounds that it is being paid early. For a man retiring at 60 the reduction is 24% and for a woman 23%. If you were a member before October 2006 and would have been able to retire early under the Rule of 85 you may qualify for some transitional protection that limits the amount your pension is reduced for early payment.
Early Retirement – Redundancy/Efficiency
If you leave employment on the grounds of redundancy or in the interest of the efficiency of the service and you are over 55 (50 for members of the old scheme up to April 2010), then you are entitled to the immediate payment of your pension, unreduced for early payment.
Survivors’ Benefits
If you die in service, your dependent should be in line for a death in service lump sum of three times your salary. If you die within ten years of retiring then your dependent should receive a lump sum of the balance of ten years’ of pension less any already paid to the member. A similar rule applies to deferred members although it is the balance of five years’ pension paid in that case. Survivors’ pensions are also payable to spouses, civil partners and/or children.
Additional Pension
You can make additional pension savings either through AVCs or by purchasing additional pension directly. You can buy up to £5,000 per year additional pension in blocks of £250 which would then be added to your annual pension when you retire.
Ill Health Pension
There are new ill health arrangements in the new LGPS 2008 and enhancements will be awarded according to likelihood of obtaining gainful employment after retirement.
Amicus in Higher Education Issue 29
| |||||||||||
![]() Contents ![]() The end for national pay negotiations? ![]() Salary Sacrifice Schemes ![]() Recruitment and Retention Premium and Market Forces Pay Policies ![]() Future of engineering courses in doubt, say academics ![]() Unite evidence to the Innovation, Universities and Skills Committee’s hearing into the science budget allocation ![]() HEFCE and Salix launch fund to reduce greenhouse gases ![]() University forced to consult staff under information and consultation of employees regulations ![]() Applications fall as study options narrow ![]() Raising the Professional Profile of Technical/ Specialist Staff ![]() Watch Your Step in Education – HSE courses ![]()
Colleagues will have seen the press reports following UCU's ballot result rejecting single table bargaining and a streamlined negotiating process. AS previous Circulars from Mike Robinson indicated this could have an impact on the future of national negotiations. Read the link below for press speculation on this. The latest news is UCU are trying to get UCEA to meet and negotiate further but UCEA have issued its own press release saying the negotiations are now closed but UCU can join everyone else at the single table as the door is being “left open”. Click here to read UCEA's Press release and Briefing note: Report in the Independent:
Several institutions in the Higher Education sector have been developing Salary Sacrifice Schemes or Smart pension arrangements. This is an increasingly popular device to reduce the cost of pensions. Essentially, it involves employees' salaries being reduced by the amount of their pension contributions and those contributions instead being paid directly by the employer. There is now advice on university schemes on the Unite Amicus section website and also a page where you can find details of already agreed deals. Click here to find out more: If you are being offered a salary sacrifice scheme at your institution please let National Officer Mike Robinson know on
There is a new section on the Unite Amicus section website with details about RRP and Market forces policies from various institutions. It is only accessible for workplace reps and branch sectaries:
Universities are losing money running engineering courses and cannot afford to update ageing equipment, academics warned today. The Engineering and Technology Board (ETB) and the Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) claim the sustainability and the future quality of teaching is under threat because of the imbalance between the amount of public funding universities get and how much it actually costs them to teach engineering. A study by JM Consulting commissioned by ETB and EPC looked at differences in the costs of four universities in England in 2005-06, covering a wide range of engineering disciplines. It found that equipment was often old and out of date and universities are increasingly depending on fees from non-EU students to make up the shortfall in funds. Both ETB and EPC are calling for the level of funding universities get by 14% from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce) to be revised to reflect the true costs of teaching engineering in universities. To read more in the Education Guardian click here: To read the study click here:
In response to cuts to physics grants Unite has submitted evidence to the Innovation, Universities and Skill's Committee on science budget allocations. Unite made it clear that these cuts would lead to unacceptable redundancies and course closures. The changes would have a major impact on the UK skills strategy and UK 's international physics standing in. Click here to read the submission:
Higher education institutions (HEIs) in England will benefit from a new fund to provide repayable grants for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This fund will be a partnership between HEFCE and Salix Finance Ltd (Salix) with both parties committing significant funds. HEFCE and Salix expect that there will be a combined total of around £30-40 million to distribute over the three years from 2008. Also see further articles on the environmental performance of the HE sector here: Penalties on the cards for CO2 laggards Declare your footprint or face a fine from the EU
Bournemouth University is the UK 's first higher education institution to become subject to a law requiring businesses to give their staff greater access to financial information and to consult them over decisions. Under the Information and Consultation of Employees regulations, which came into force in 2005, staff have a right to be informed and consulted about key decisions likely to affect their employment. The law also entitles employees to information about their employer's economic situation. Universities are not automatically required to inform and consult; the duty is triggered only by a formal request from employees to negotiate an ICE agreement or by the employer choosing to start the process. To read more in the Time Higher click here: To read more about the ICE regulations click here:
New university admissions rules giving students a narrower range of course choices have left some universities facing a dramatic drop in applications for degrees starting in the autumn. The new system, designed to encourage students to think more carefully about where they want to study, means that applicants may choose a maximum of only five courses instead of the previous six. The sector had been warned that this could mean a potential drop in applications of about 17 percent, or a sixth. But 21 institutions have seen a fall in applications in excess of this figure, while 14 have run counter to expectations and increased applications (excluding small institutions with fewer than 1,000 degree applications). Overall, the average drop in applications was 9.2 per cent. To read more about the statistics in the Times Higher Education supplement click here:
(A one day joint HEaTED/IST Conference) Speakers/presenters Among the speakers already confirmed for this event are: John Perkins, (Dean and Vice President, University Manchester/Chair of the HEATED project), Jacqueline Goodall, University of Leeds , John Robinson, (Chair IST), Bob Hardwick (HEaTED Project Consultant) Matt Levi (HEaTED Project Manager). Venue: Whitworth Hall, University of Manchester . Completed nomination forms should be returned by Friday 2nd May 2008 to: Wendy Mason, Institute of Science & Technology, 90 Rockingham Street , Sheffield S1 4EB or fax: 0114 272 6354 Click here for the flyer:
55% of all accidents in education are caused by a slip or a trip. Last year, almost 2000 major injury slip and trip accidents in the education sector were reported to the Health and Safety Executive, 571 of which were to employees, a 5% rise on the previous year. 90% of major accidents resulted in a broken bone causing considerable personal distress and a significant amount of time away from work. To attend the Health and Safety executives courses follow the links below. Web site - Events - several events already arranged. To register an interest in attending, fill in the 'contact us' page -
This e-bulletin has been produced by James Lazou, Research Officer for the Higher Education sector. If you have any news items or stories you would like included in the bulletin please contact James at: | |||||||||||
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Age Profile of Members

Following the short survey we presented this to management. It very clearly portrays the ageing profile of the technician members of our group. Management have agreed to take on board this and reflect on how this wil impact on the workforce over the succeeding years. They have a lot of work to do to ensure that they have succession planning. We will keep you posted on the discussions taking place.
Health & Safety News
Latest news on the Unite, Amicus section health and safety news website - click the link after each story for the full text. Remember to check the Amicus website at for regular safety news updates.
Building, strengthening and supporting trade unionism in the SERTUC Region, Saturday 26 January 2008
There are two million trade union members who live and work in the SERTUC region. The first line of defence of those workers’ interests at work are their workplace representatives: shop stewards, health and safety reps, equality reps, environmental reps and union learning reps. This event is designed to celebrate the role of the work place rep and to help you perform your role more effectively. There will be presentations and discussions in both plenary and workshop form on time off rights, trade union education, H&S update, negotiating skills, organising, as well as a full employment law update from a trade union law professional. The event will also strengthen trade union reps’ understanding of what SERTUC is and how it can support them in their work, as well as underlining the support available from the TUC nationally. There is no charge for attending this event. Congress House is a fully accessible building. Delegates should contact their union for travel and subsistence costs, but a crèche will be provided if required and lunch is included. This event is designed to celebrate the role of the work place rep and to help you perform your role more effectively. There will be presentations and discussions in both plenary and workshop form on time off rights, trade union education, H&S update, negotiating skills, organising, as well as a full employment law update from a trade union law professional. The event will also strengthen trade union reps’ understanding of what SERTUC is and how it can support them in their work, as well as underlining the support available from the TUC nationally. There is no charge for attending this event. Congress House is a fully accessible building. Delegates should contact their union for travel and subsistence costs, but a crèche will be provided if required and lunch is included.
The Quality of Working Life - Promoting a Healthy Agenda, IER conference, 6 February, London
9.30am-4.30pm, at the UCU Conference Centre, Britannia Street, London WC1X 9JP, including two Unite speakers. Is it time to reconsider our approach to delivering health and safety at work? Does the modern day fragmented labour market demand a new framework of law? Do the often unrepresented and increasingly undocumented workers, need a clearer framework of regulation within which to work? Would the development of a Quality of Working Life Bill clarify and streamline the duty of care still expected of our employers? The Institute is keen to develop these ideas and this conference can kick-start the debate.
Blue Plaque for Robert Tressell (Noonan) author of the Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Liverpool Trades Union Council will be unveiling a blue plaque to Robert Tressell at The Old Royal Liverpool Infirmary (opposite the Dental Hospital, at 10.30 am, Sunday 3 February 2008. The unveiling ceremony will be conducted by Mr. Reg Johnson, the last surviving member of the author’s family. A reception will be held at the Casa Club.
Agriculture safety and health awareness days
Free half-day sessions in February and March 2008. Find an event near you. In recent years HSE has run a number of these practical demonstrations around the country, to help farmers make their workplaces and work activities safer and healthier. They are also used to demonstrate good practice and raise awareness of current health and safety issues in forestry and arboriculture. Qualified instructors are used to demonstrate how to avoid the most common causes of accidents and ill health. Nearly all attendees have told us that they have found Awareness Days helpful and worthwhile, would attend another similar event and recommend them to others.
TUC Hazards at Work, new edition out now
The second edition of Hazards at Work: Organising for Safe and Healthy Workplaces has just been published. This is the TUC’s essential guide to health & safety law, good practice and advice. It will answer most of the health & safety related questions that members and reps ask advice on. A Unite branded edition is included in the materials provided on our Managing Safety training course so be sure to enrol now. Alternatively order a copy here - discounted for Unite members. Your Regional Council may be able to provide you with funding for a copy.
French Government finds safety reps improve safety
Health and safety representatives clearly help to improve the quality of prevention policies in workplaces where they are present, according to an official French government report. Thomas Coutrot from the Dares, the research institute of the French labour ministry, reviewed recent studies and concluded safety reps clearly help build workers' awareness and improve the identification of workplace risks.
How gender sensitive is health and safety management in your workplace?
The TUC's Gender and Occupational Safety and Health (G&OSH) Working Party has produced a checklist to help safety reps and others check whether their workplace health and safety policies and practices are gender sensitive.
Shiftwork linked early retirement in women
Shiftwork may increase the risk of enforced early retirement among women, suggests new research. Researchers used information from just under 8,000 male and female employees, who were part of the Danish Work Environment Cohort Study, which began in 1990, and data from the national welfare register. Successive waves of participants in the cohort study were formally interviewed about their workplace, work patterns, health, and lifestyle.
Unite secures £175,000 damages for member injured by dangerous machine
A Preston man who suffered severe physical and psychological injuries after his hand was trapped in a machine at work has secured substantial compensation from his former employer with the support of his trade union Unite. The man, aged 47, trapped his hand in an unguarded machine and sustained a serious degloving injury to the palm of his hand. He has since undergone five operations and has suffered serious psychological injuries. As a result, he has secured £175,000 in compensation.
International RSI Awareness Day, 29th February 2008
Musculo-skeletal disorders including Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs) are one of the top two occupational illnesses BUT are mostly preventable. The Hazards Campaign has commissioned a poster from Hazards Magazine for the next International RSI Day, 29th February 2008, as part of a beefed up campaign on RSI/MSDs.
Unite secures compensation for member permanently injured by hand arm vibration
A young man from Doncaster who claims he was forced out of his job after vibrating tools permanently damaged his hands has been paid substantial compensation with the support of his trade union Unite.
Regional Safety Conferences
Unite Health and Safety Unit has been running a series of regional conferences for safety reps. In 2007 these were held in the South West, London and South East, and Eastern Regions. Conference materials from these can be found here. Contact your regional office to find out if your Regional Council is organising a conference in your region – contact details can be found at
Unite secures compensation for RAF fighter technician following aircraft injury
An aircraft technician who was injured whilst working on a fighter jet has been awarded compensation by his former employer, the Defence Aviation Repair Agency (DARA) at RAF St Athan in South Wales. DARA is a civilian arm of the Ministry of Defence and was set up to maintain and repair the UK's military aircraft. The claim for damages was brought with the support of Unite the union and Thompsons Solicitors.
Unite's reaction to the Health & Safety Commission and Health & Safety Executive report into the integrity of offshore installations
Unite regional officer, Graham Tran said, "There are good oil operators in the North Sea but there are a number of bad players who are putting lives at risk for the sake of a barrel of oil. Oil companies make huge profits. There is no excuse for falling short on safety. Oil companies must implement the proper procedures and make the necessary upgrades to these installations immediately. Otherwise it's time to name and shame the bad players and have them removed from the North Sea
Unite secures £250,000 damages after member's back injury at work led to early retirement
A man whose life has been seriously impaired as a result of a serious back injury at work has been paid substantial compensation by Glen Dimplex Cooking of Prescot, Merseyside. Mr Smith, aged 61, from Prescot, worked as a Facilities Engineer and sustained a serious back injury when he fell down a damp sloping grass verge whilst reading meters at one of the firm’s factory buildings. Mr Smith is a member of leading trade union Unite and brought his claim for compensation with the support of their personal injury specialists Thompsons Solicitors. As a result, his former employer agreed to settle for £250,000 just 3 weeks before the trial.
Unite concern over offshore employers
An offshore union leader has called for oil giant Shell to quit the North Sea. Unite regional officer Graham Tran made the demand after a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation upheld concerns raised by offshore unions over safety on Shell platforms. The unions claimed there were gaps in 'safety critical' positions on five installations being sold by Shell (Risks 323). HSE has now confirmed a series of safety deficiencies. Mr Tran said he wanted to see Shell leave British waters.’
Unite secures compensation for asbestos exposure to widow's husband
The widow of a Unite member has won a substantial compensation payment after her husband was exposed to lethal asbestos dust in the workplace. David Hines from Birkenhead was 73 when he died just two months after he was diagnosed with cancer of the lining of the lung mesothelioma.
Health workers may be due extra payouts
The British Medical Association (BMA) says an NHS work-related injury and ill-health compensation scheme has been under-paying some claimants. It is advising any member who has received compensation for an injury at work since 1972 to check they are receiving their full entitlement. BMA says under-payments in some cases could run to tens of thousands of pounds. The advice comes after the Department of Health announced the results of an inquiry which revealed 'anomalies with the administration' of the NHS Injury Benefits Scheme in England and Wales, with 40 per cent of the nearly 24,000 cases reviewed affected by errors.
Unite secures damages for traffic light worker following car collision
A worker hit by a car at a road junction has been awarded compensation with the help of Unite the union and Thompsons Solicitors. Mr Keith Simpson, a traffic light installer who was hit by a vehicle on Loughborough Road at the junction with Brixton Road, Lambeth, London SW9, has been awarded £75,000 in damages after both his legs were severely injured and he was left unable to work for nearly three years.
'Work while you're sick' is hurting firms
Pressure to stagger into work when sick is hurting workers and damaging productivity, commitment levels and motivation, according to research from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Its 'Quality of Working Life' report reveals that 17 per cent of managers believe their health is deteriorating and more than four in 10 (42 per cent) claim illness rates in their organisation have gone up over the last 12 months. But the study of 1,511 managers found 1 in 3 believe a culture of not taking time off work for sickness exists in their organisation. Only 53 per cent of employees feel they would be treated sympathetically if they were ill.
Business says business is bad to workers
A top business organisation has urged companies to put the health of the nation's workforce on to the boardroom agenda, after its research revealed 'apathy' on the issue was damaging both workers' health and productivity. Business in the Community (BITC) said its research has revealed that a third of workers (31 per cent) feel their health is neglected at work, while six in 10 (62 per cent) 'don't believe bosses consider staff as assets worth investing in.'
Stonemason develops deadly silica disease
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has warned quarrying companies and stonemasons of the risk from the potentially fatal disease silicosis, if adequate measures to monitor and prevent exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) are not in place. The alert came this week after Robert Thomas Charlton, trading as Border Stone Quarries, was fined £6,000 plus £7,602 costs at Tynedale Magistrates' Court, Hexham. Mr Charlton pleaded guilty to breaches of the COSHH chemical control regulations and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) - he had failed to notify the HSE of a reportable work disease, silicosis. (See for more guidance.)
Research proves health and safety pays
A positive approach to health and safety not only helps businesses attract quality employees, but also boosts sales and workforce commitment. Research by the Institute for Employment Studies and The Work Foundation for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) looked into UK business attitudes, intentions and performance and their health and safety strategies. A telephone survey of 3,000 UK businesses found a clear link between higher expenditure on health and safety and three key areas - a greater capacity to attract quality employees, higher employee commitment and faster sales growth. Health and safety was generally seen as either 'important' or 'very important' by firms - although smaller companies were less likely to have a positive attitude or regard it as a key strategic area.
Unite secures £12,000 damages for injured ship's rigger
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd are to pay £12,000 damages to a Ship’s Rigger from Devon who was injured on the stern of HMS Somerset. Leading trade union Unite secured the compensation for member Kevin Renyard via its free legal help scheme with Unite law firm Thompsons Solicitors.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Labs at risk from loss of expertise
Age “time bomb” and poor training threaten skills drain as technicians not replaced.
Chloe Stothart reports.
University laboratories face a “demographic time bomb” as large numbers of technicians reach retirement age with no one to replace them.
The average university technician is aged over 40 and almost a third are over 50 years old, according to their trade union, Amicus Unite. It also warns that the training schemes that drew that generation of technicians into the sector have largely withered.
A report for the Higher education Funding Council for
“People are not coming into the sector as there is no development for them, and we are losing people because of the demographic time bomb”,said Matt Levi, manager of the Leadership Foundation’s Heated project, which was set up to research the problem.
“If we are going to be world class we need the technical specialists, and there is no question that very, very specialist skills will be lost unless we do something,” said Mr Levi.
Ken Jakeman, deputy manager of
He said that the shortage of technicians and the time spent training them can eat into research projects. “It does increase the time it takes to do the same research because you have to train more people up”, Mr Jakeman said.
“The quality of research at present is not affected, but I don’t know whether it will be in future. Decisions need to be taken now to prevent that happening.”
He added that some technicians leave academia at the end of fixed-term contracts for better opportunities in industry or the National Health Service.
Early retirement schemes at some universities have further eroded the number of technicians, said Alan Willcocks, departmental services manager in the department of cell physiology and pharmacology at
Newer technicians do not have all the skills of their predecessors, Mr Willcocks said. “The vacancies we have for lower grade technicians are taken by recent or inexperienced graduates, so while they are well educated they simply do not have the ype of experience needed in terms of technical training to run or manage a department or work at a more senior level.”
Mike Robinson, national officer and Amicus Unite, highlighted the impact on students. He said “Universities will not be able to function without these technicians. They are the unseen aspect of student life. Some of what they do is so complex that, if technicians are not there, students will not be able to carry out the research they want to do.”
University technicians who do not currently have a dedicated professional organisation, are about to get a new body that aims to solve their skills crisis.
The Heated project will become a membership body offering training courses and research into the sector in the summer. It has received £75,000 start-up funding from Hefce and must be self-funding within 18 months.
The modest funding level could be a difficulty, said mr Levi, but he still believes Heated could solve the skills problem.
But Mr Jakeman said that while Heated could resolve professional development issues, universities need to resume taking on trainees in order to have a cohort of young technicians.
“Probably half of us are in our late fifties”: a vital but shrinking workforce
The essential efforts of university lab technicians are usually unsung, writes Chloe Stothart.
Val Boote,
“The savings from keeping instruments going could fund a junior technician,” she said.
Ms Boote’s job is all about keeping the machinery working for students and processing their samples. However, she has also been part of some interesting discoveries. “a mother took her baby to hospital because its faeces were red and she could not understand why,” she recalled. “We did an examination and found the nappy rash cream she had been putting on the baby’s bottom contained mercury.”
The lab’s investigation helped to get the dangerous element removed from the cream.
Ms Boote left school after O levels and went on to work at drugs company Pfizer where she was trained on the job and did an ordinary national diploma and a higher national diploma. She got the job in
At 57, she is one of a large cohort in the department nearing retirement. “probably half of us are in our late fifties and we have just had a few retirements,” she said.
Although she took on a trainee a year ago, there is always a danger that he could leave the sector for a better paid job in industry once she has trained him. Some universities are cutting back on staff and have not been taking on trainees, she added.
If the number of skilled technicians continues to slide, Ms Boote speculates that universities may have to pay external engineers to maintain their machines, force departments to share lab facilities or send samples to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s national laboratory service in
“instead of getting results here the nest day, they would have to send them away and wait a week,” Ms Boote said. Such belt-tightening would have a negative effect on students’ work. “How many more