Freedom of Information requests
Earlier this year many of you assisted the union by passing on the Freedom of Information requests to your HEI on pay for those staff above the 51 point pay spine.
I would like to record my thanks for everyone who took part.
Rick Graham has been working on the data returns and has compiled a dataset and graphs of the information that you might find useful. I would also like to place on record my thanks to Rick for his work.
Rick's work flows on from earlier material published by both the Times Higher Education Supplement and the Guardian Newspaper. You may be interested in that material which can be found here
/university-vice-chancellor-payFrom above Guardian article: VC Pay increases
1 London Business School 78%
2 University College 137%
3 Liverpool University 188%
4 Imperial College 162%
5 Nottingham University 103%
6 Oxford University 220%
7 King's College 100%
8 Bristol University 125%
In short the data shows that at a time when many of you were being asked to limit your pay by accepting the 0.5% offer as part of the 2009 pay round many Vice Chancellors and senior professorial staff were achieving pay increases of 150% even 200%. Many staff above the 51 point pay spine was also receiving substantial increases as the FOI requests show. In fact the increases have continued into 2010 despite the incredibly low offer from UCEA of 0.4% for staff on the 51 point spine and the insistence by UCEA to show restraint.
I am sure as many VC's wallow in luxury in their Tuscan villas you will remember them when it comes to vote on the 2010 pay offer.
Ballot material and letters to members on this years pay offer is currently awaiting checking by Unite lawyers before being issued to members for a full consultative vote. I will forward that material on to you as soon as it has been cleared by our lawyers.
Yours sincerely
Mike Robinson
National Officer