Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hera Update

Following the last steering group meeting the university reckons that it will be in a position to implement HERA sometime from March. The Joint Unions think this may be optimistic as we still have some work to do around the framework agreement but the Role analysis is nearing completion. Some 500 roles have been scored and inevitably there has been some issues with consistency and clarification. The bottom line is that through this process (which is still ongoing) we have reduced the amount of red circled posts down to 82 (as of 2nd February). We have another meeting scheduled for 20th February where we hope there will be a further reduction in these numbers. Overall the scheme is proving effective in differentiating between the different jobs and the improvements in the grade and pay boundaries mean significant changes for many, particularly for the low paid staff.

We will put out some more information about the numbers of green and red circled posts as we get the clarification back

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