Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pay latest

Just a quick note following the meeting we had in Coventry on Friday
to count and evaluate the consultative ballot.We had a positive
meeting that considered two things;getting the employers back to the
table to talk about our claim and what our strategy would be if those
talks are inconclusive.

We now have a date and time to meet with UCEA,Thursday the 20th of
August, and we will be taking the following points to that meeting;

1.A joint National Redundancy Avoidance policy.
2.A pay increase or a lump sum for those on the first two grades.
3.That UCEA recommend to its subscribers that they move their pensions
schemes to either SAUL or USS.
4.To re open pay talks in January/February if there is an increase in the RPI.

There was a discussion on how we move forward if the talks are
inconclusive and apart from defining a strategy for strike action,we
emphasised the need for our membership lists to be up to date and that
our members are fully aware of the reasons for taking this
action.Simply put;This is now a fight for jobs and job security for
the future,and we need to be ready.

We will keep you all informed as the meetings progress.

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