Thursday, September 01, 2011

HE Pay Ballot

Please take the time to read the attached documents – they explain why we are having a ballot on this year’s pay offer (this is also attached)  as is a paper ballot form that you are welcome to use and send back to me before Friday 9th September.

I encourage all members to think most seriously before voting – we are hoping to hold meetings at both Stratford (Tuesday) and Docklands (Wednesday) as  it may well be worth considering other issues before you vote You will know of course that we have submitted a response to the security Review and are awaiting the outcome of that . Some of you will already be disappointed with the Olympic strategy document and others have issues ranging from restructuring to voluntary severance. All of these I believe are connected via Managements decision making processes and can therefore be affected by a positive response to a single issue.

Please bear in mind that at the moment it is a CONSULTATIVE ballot and the better the response the better our arguments will be

I am writing to you to advise on the outcome of pay bargaining for staff working in Higher Education Universities and Colleges and your Employer subscribing to the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA).

UCEA on behalf of your Employer have made an offer on pay for 2011. The offer is a lump sum worth £150. The offer is a consolidated payment, that means it goes on to salary scales for those on the 51 point pay spine.

UCEA calculate the offer is worth 0.5% of the total HE pay bill in subscribing Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s).

The full offer is described in the UCEA offer letter attached.

There are other aspects included in the negotiations but nothing major has emerged from those additional items.

Your Unite negotiators considered the offer at a meeting of the Unite Education National Industry Committee on the 19th July. They considered the offer against the current inflation rate of 5%. The offer is worth 0.5% in general but it is worth more to the very low paid as a percentage of salary.

The offer also includes a marginal improvement to those HEI’s who pay an agreed London Weighting in post 92 HEI’s. The increase has been calculated as worth 0.5%  in those places.

HE negotiators also noted that in recent years the offers from UCEA,
0.5% in 2009 against an inflation rate of around 3%,
0.4% in 2010 against an inflation rate of 4% and
0.5% against an inflation rate of 5%.
They noted that in real terms pay for those on the 51 point pay spine will have reduced by over 10% in terms of purchasing power over a three year period.

The negotiators are therefore recommending the offer is rejected.

The reason why they are recommending rejection is because sector pay and any increases are not keeping up with inflation and the purchasing power of  pay is falling behind. In order to reverse this trend the negotiators want to force the Employers back to the negotiating table and try to improve the offer.

Other unions are consulting on the offer as well.  Other unions are expected to reject the offer.

If a majority of Unite members in each HEI vote to accept the offer then UCEA will be contacted and the offer accepted on their behalf.

If the offer is rejected by a majority of Unite members in each HEI then the next step would be consideration of a formal industrial action ballot that is required by law before a union can call upon you to take any industrial action.

If the offer is rejected in your HEI and an industrial action ballot is called you would be contacted again and an industrial action ballot could be sent to your home after the consultation ballot has been counted and the result declared.

The pay consultation ballot is open to you to return your vote up to 9th September 2011.

This is an important ballot about pay in higher education.

It is important that you vote and do not abstain otherwise your wishes are not included. Please VOTE to accept or reject. Do not throw the voting paper away. Instead record your vote by returning the ballot paper to your Unite ballot organiser.

If you have any queries on this ballot or your eligibility please contact Vera Titmus on 02476-227522 or email

Yours sincerely

Mike Robinson
National Officer
HE Negotiations


New JNCHES Negotiations 2011-12: UCEA’s Approach

On behalf of HEIs participating in the 2011-12 negotiations, UCEA sets out the employers’ approach for the year ahead below. 

This year’s negotiating round takes place against a complex and challenging economic and sector backdrop. HEIs face a difficult funding settlement in 2011/12 and an uncertain future due to significant changes to HE funding in England and austerity measures in the devolved administrations.

UCEA’s Approach
We have considered the key elements of the trade unions joint claim as follows:
·    Pay: Employers offer an increase of £150 on all points on the JNCHES pay spine.*
·    London weighting: We are able to make a recommendation, in line with previous practice, of an increase equivalent to 0.5%, to Post-92 HEIs which have retained separate London weighting.
·    Equality: Employers agree that assessing the impact of the final report from the Equality Working Group is important. While the report has only recently been disseminated, we are content to undertake a follow up survey in 6 to 12 months looking at usefulness of the publication and its impact on practice at HEIs.
·    Family friendly issues: There is existing JNCHES guidance on Work-life balance which we are willing to update to reflect legislative and policy changes relating to, inter alia, paternity leave and flexible working.
·    Pay framework concerns: Employers offer to further update the pay data in the publication (Pay in Higher Education) that followed from the joint work in the Pay Framework and Data Research Working Group. UCEA propose that the update will be undertaken by UCEA officers with the data to be scrutinized by a small data group consisting of two employer representatives, a support staff representative and an academic staff representative.
·    Training and development: The Training and Development Initiative from the 2010/11 negotiations represents a positive way forward in addressing the requests for action in this area by trades unions. Discussions are already underway to form a group to work on developing an enabling framework. Employers have sought more clarity on the specific request for a technical group in the TU claim.

Workforce Change and Job Security
Employers note the conclusion of the Sustainability Issues Working Group and welcome the prospect of publishing the compendium of case studies on workforce planning and organisational change.

Other claim elements
Requests to extend / delete points from the pay spine, nationally determine pay for external examiners, and assimilate hourly paid staff are not supported by the UCEA membership as they are considered matters for local determination.

Concluding comments
We recognise that the employers’ response on pay does not meet the request for an offer with reference to RPI as requested in the TU claim. Employers, however, are committed to continuing joint working on key issues during a financially difficult and uncertain climate for HEIs.

We hope our trade union colleagues will now give this final offer fair consideration and that member views are sought at an early stage.

* This is equivalent to a 0.5 per cent increase on the overall pay bill.

11 July 2011

unite logo


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Out of Focus Issue 5

Welcome to out of Focus Update…

| Issue 5: 22nd June 2011

News in brief

RoSPA Non stick award for University of East London

UEL has won a Gold award for the fourth consecutive year in The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents’ prestigious Occupational Health and Safety Awards, 2011. The Gold award was collected on behalf of UEL by Del Basi, Occupational Health and Safety Manager, (pictured) during a gala ceremony in Birmingham last month. This prominent award recognises overarching health and safety management systems, including important practices such as removing glue from envelopes. RoSPA Awards Manager, David Rawlins, commented, “The University of East London has shown that it is committed to increasing the health and well being of its staff by making their envelopes non sticky and we are delighted to honour it through the presentation of an non stick frying pan.” For more information see Award

Men in Hats: UEL cuts a dash in Brazil
You’ve heard of the ‘man bag’, well now daring male academics are sporting the ‘silly hat’.  Designed by fashion  students and modelled by members of the Chancellery on its recent diplomatic  mission, UEL has brought this daring new fashion accessory to the catwalks of Brazil.  Millinery at its most versatile, they can be worn with the robes of more formal engagements, or more casually with budgie smugglers for promenading on Copa Cobana beach. Delighted Fernando Telles  Ribeiro, on whom they also bestowed a much valued honorary degree said, ‘ Que meu bumbum parece grande nesta?’, which literally translated from the Portuguese means  ‘ Does my bum look big in this’  .  The women at the event notably and perhaps more wisely remained hatless!

Outdoor gym opens at UEL

A new outdoor gym at Stratford Campus has been officially opened as part of an intiative to increase students ansd staffs health & well being The facility, which is open to students, staff and the local community, was unveiled at a special event last Thursday, involving staff and students from the Forest Gate Freemasons Institute attempting a massed dash from the Manby Arms. The outdoor gym has been funded by Newham Council’s refuse collection service and is situated on the just behind the climbing frame.

Royal engagement for HRH the Prince of Wales marred by over zealous parking regime

It seems as though the Royal Family just can’t get enough of the University of East London, as students from the Institute for Performing Arts Development (IPAD) performed at their behest for the second time in less than six weeks. In a surprise visit, Prince Charles travelled out to east London to visit businesses, individuals and organisations based at Trinity Bouy Wharf, including students from UEL’s IPAD. Sadly by not filling in the parking permit HRH left his vehicle parked in the nearby streets and as you can see from the picture the inevitable happened.

“out of Focus”: next issue of the semester

The next issue for the semester of this online newsheet will be released next Wednesday, 22nd  June.  If you would like to submit an item – whether need-to-know information, a news story or scurrilous rumour – then please email your copy and image to tony no later than Friday 10th June.

Toastergate 3 – The Saga continues…..
As Stratford Student Services completed the move into their new office space in R Building, Stratford, attention was drawn to the even newer relocation strategy. The new building is to be towed away and moored outside the docklands campus in an effort to improve communications between the two sites. Based on the Finance model of only having cashiers at one site the VCG have also turned part of the building over to HM Prisons in an imaginative attempt to boost finances. Setting a “fee” of £9000 for each inmate the lucky staff will have full access to old Ronnie Barker videos and an endless supply of Johnny Cash albums.

UEL implements new higher London desks for VCG Group

UEL has announced that it has appointed a new pro vice chancellor-desks, that will source an ethical and expensive series of desks for its members. The Highly Expensive London Desk Unification Program (HELDUP) will be implemented as soon as the contract commences on 1 August 2011, despite the tender process having commenced before the announcement of the new pro Vice Chancellor. After a tendering process that saw submissions from a number of companies, the University agreed to engage Desk Procurement specialists, HardUp (Higher and Raised Desks University Procurement) in an effort to raise the profile of all executive desks. UELs procurement process was also informed by a series of relocations of offices planned throughout the summer. For the full story see . See Desks r us

Out of Focus Issue 4

Welcome to out of Focus Update…

| Issue 4: 8th June 2011

| What’s Happening | UEL Roundup | Do The Kensal Green Thing |

News in brief

UEL “Statto” scores again  

The University continues to support the provision of statistics that ought to be true ensuring that all of its senior managers are not faced without statistical backup. In an early preparation for the annual HESDA returns our resident statistician “statto” provided the following background information on how we are keeping afloat

Mortgaging Oscars
Recycling QMW’s
prospectus with our Logo  
Charging extra for seats in a lecture
Increased use of expensive desks

Catering Services Dessert in EU Name Change ruling

Against the wishes of Catering Services , Arctic Rolls were granted protection under the EU ‘regional food’ policy yesterday. From July, the retro dessert can only be labelled ‘Arctic Roll’ if it is manufactured within the Arctic circle.‘We will challenge this ruling’ complained a spokesman for Catering Services, ‘but in the meantime, we’re trying to find out if any of the Inuit tribes have experience of making jammy sponge ice-cream desserts. We’re hoping maybe some of the tribesmen who make Baked Alaska might do it.’
The ruling is the latest in a string of ‘tit for tat’ applications by companies keen to undermine their competitors. Cadbury’s were the first to bring the issue in front of the EU, by applying for protection for Mars Bars and Milky Way. Mars have drawn up emergency plans for a rebranding of Mars Bars to Slough Chows. However, research using a GCSE book on astronomy showed that the Milky Way snack is already technically compliant.

Does-it- matter discovered at UEL

University researchers have published papers showing that following the discovery of Anti-matter a new substance Does-it-matter has materialised. This new particle was found as a spinoff from the Becton re-cycler where education, students and money is fed in and education and students are forced out. Does-it-matter can be detected by an apathymeter, Scientists believe that the Does-it-matter particle is usually annihilated by the Tate am-I-Bovvered boson which results in a release of large sums of money which is absorbed extremely quickly by the Becton recycler.

Acronyms are Us
Registrars and Tutors will have been delighted at the announcement of the new Attendance Recording System which promises to revolutionise the recording of student attendance. There are naturally one or two teething problems to work out however as the rival Educational Licensed Broadcast Optional WebCapture system is still under test. Management at this moment in time are working out the difference between their Ars and their Elbow. Over the next two months work will be undertaken at both the Stratford and Docklands Campuses in order to install Proximity Card Readers in our classrooms ready for their inclusion in a new Attendance Recording System (ARS).  ARS will be introduced in conjunction with our new and improved Access Control System which in addition to retaining all of our current functionality also enables us to use ‘touch in’ and ‘touch out’ services not currently available. It was felt that the ACS would not fall on heads of services however. 
The main difference between the systems is the actual cards used and between the ars swipe and the elbow room will lie reams and reams of paper for more details see differential

“Out of Focus”: next issue.

The next issue for the semester of this online newsheet will be released next Wednesday, 15th  June.  If you would like to submit an item – whether need-to-know information, a news story or scurrilous rumour – then please email your copy and image to: Tony  - no later than Friday 10rd June.

UEL go for surprise candidate as Pro Vice Chancellor

In an unusual change from the norm it was announced that Dusty Springfield the famously deceased singer would be taking over a new role as Pro-Vice chancellor in charge of the undead. This is obviously a departure from the norm for the University Management Team but a spokesperson felt that the university was lacking in this important area with a high growth potential in what was certain to be a extremely competitive market.  It was felt that as a son of a preacher man in the middle of nowhere wishing and hoping that they only want to be with you was exactly the kind of person to take on this exciting challenge
For the full story see Post

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Out of Focus Issue 3

Welcome to out of Focus Update…

| Issue 3: 1st June 2011

| What’s Happening | UEL Roundup | Do The East End Green Thing

News in brief

UEL demonstrates commitment to London Good Living Wage Campaign

The University continues to support the London Good Living Wage Campaign by ensuring that all of its senior managers are not facing financial impecunity. A table on the recent Governors papers indicate an increase in these highly paid postsL figures based on 2010 and whoops here comes another one.

 For the full story see money bit

£100,001 - £110,000
£110,001 - £120,000
£120,001 - £130,000
£150,001 - £160,000


Student Services at Stratford are moving

Student Services are moving from their existing Student Centre to somewhere even further away from the centre of Stratford Campus. Their bespoke offices complete with designer furniture and state of the art computer systems will move to a portacabin at the back end of the campus thus enhancing the student experience no end. A consultant on Toaster Placement was awarded the contract for heating the building

New Element discovered at UEL

University researchers have discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element, Becktonite (symbol=Bt), has one neutron, 25 pro vice neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks. Since Becktonite  has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.
A tiny amount of Becktonite can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.
Becktonite  has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years. It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Becktonite s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Becktonite  is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration.
This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass. When catalysed with money, Becktonite  becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Becktonite , since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons..

Hopping As One

UEL has sponsored a new piece of artwork displayed on the fence directly outside the Stratford Station entrance and the new Westfield shopping centre. The work is entitled Hopping for Arts sake  by 10CC. Take a look next time you pass through Stratford Station. 

“out of Focus”: next issue of the semester

The next issue for the semester of this online newsheet will be released next Wednesday, 8th  June.  If you would like to submit an item – whether need-to-know information, a news story or scurrilous rumour – then please email your copy and image to tony  no later than Friday 3rd June.

FIFA go for surprise candidate as President

In an unprecendented job swap it was agreed at a hush hush round of meetings that UelConnect Director, Sarah Frame, would exchange her position for a new one at FIFA that would also see Sepp Blatter coming in as pro VC Strategic Planning. An excited UEL spokesperson said that Professor Blatter had displayed exactly the qualities that were needed in enhancing the reputation of Fifa and that UEL was looking forward to him bringing his financial acumen and probity to the University.
For the full story see Post