Monday, March 19, 2007

Hera Update

At long last the end is in sight - a reply from management basically agreeing to our proposals - The joint support staff unions are meeting together to dot the I's and cross the t's but basically all support staff will get a minimum payment of £500 and those on long service will have their leave increased to 30 days.

As a condition we have to agree to move our pay date to the last Thursday of the month as well as adopt a common incremental date and leave year.

The red circles are reducing daily - we reckon they are now around 20 - the last panel is tomorrow afternoon. There are around 200 people who are green circled - these people will get their pay, backdated to August 2006, in June subject to agreement

We have a branch meeting on Wednesday evening at 6.30 where this will be discussed and we will arrange a group meeting next Wednesday afternoon - 28th- to go through it in greater detail - we will then move to the balloting process. The agreement will be sent to our national officer for scrutiny and the ballot will be organised by our regional officer - Richard Munn.

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