Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Merger Ballot Results

Merger ballot Results
As per expectations, the ballot for merger of the Amicus and T&G unions has resulted in a 'Yes' vote. The results in Amicus were
18.9% in favour
8.1% against
73% not voting
The unions look at it in a different way- 70.1% in favour and 29.9% against, on a 27% turn out). The T&G machine achieved a significantly better 'For' vote at 23.3% of ballot papers issued (86.4% of votes returned).

Other union mergers have attracted much higher majorities in favour, typically 80% or more of votes returned. Our last one, AEEU and MSF, was supported by 84% and 80% of each union respectively, on a 31% turnout. The Amicus result is surprisingly low, given the massive pro-merger campaign by both unions' publicity departments and a complete absence of any concerted campaign against the merger.

Given the decline in lay democracy, in Amicus at least, over the last 6 years perhaps the result should not be seen as surprising.

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