Tuesday, January 25, 2011

March for the Alternative

On Saturday 26th March Unite members, along with their families and friends will be coming to London to ‘March for the Alternative’. The march will send a strong message against the cuts being pushed through by the Conservative-led coalition government.
Together let's make that mobilisation the biggest, boldest and best event in our history.

Join us and make your voice heard. You can come with your family and friends on the Unite buses, coaches and trains coming to London from all over the country. Find your nearest transport at: www.unitetheunion.org/marchforalternative

Your union, Unite is at the heart of a powerful, progressive coalition against the cuts, bringing together service users, charities and community groups. The union movement and the country face the sternest test in a generation. Not only is the economy on its knees, not only is the law tilted against us, but we have a government in power that is making spending cuts of a speed, scale and savagery never before seen. This national demonstration forms part of the campaign against these cuts.

A leaflet and poster to publicise the march can be found on the Unite website. You can download these  A5 Leaflet, A4 poster, A3 Poster  or request hard copies from you local Unite office. Please distribute these in your workplace and in your local community to encourage others to attend.

Back the alternative:
•    a Robin Hood tax on the banks
•    closing tax loopholes
•    policies for jobs and green growth

Each region has a regional co-ordinator and their contact details can be found on the campaign pages of our website: www.unitetheunion.org/marchforalternative

This will be a family event so please come with your loved ones, friends and neighbours. It doesn’t matter if they are not a member of Unite, they can come with you to show their opposition to the cuts.

For details on the march you can visit – www.unitetheunion.org/marchforalternative