Friday, May 05, 2006

Joint Union Letter to Alan Sibbald


To confirm the position from this morning's meeting.

The joint union demands are:

The Vice-Chancellor to send an email to “All Staff” withdrawing the email sent by the Director of Personnel Services (to All Staff) on 4 May entitled “Framework Agreement”. We expect this to be done before the end of the working day on Monday 8 May.
We require a formal withdrawal of CMT’s “agreement” of the Framework Agreement paper. When CMT changes its position from “accepting” the paper to “approving it as a basis for negotiation”, the unions will be prepared to resume negotiations. We will require a copy of the minutes of CMT which confirm this position change.
Until the above conditions are met, the joint unions withdraw from all co-operation with management on all matters except individual casework.

Haydn R John
Chair: UEL Joint Unions
0208 223 4027

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